Long revered as the “most important meal of the day,” breakfast is an opportunity to enjoy delicious food that offers quality nutrition. However, though many people already realize that, for various reasons including “I don’t have enough time” or “I don’t feel like eating,” breakfast is often a meal that is skipped.
This poses concern since, in one recent study, those who skipped breakfast consumed less fiber, calcium, vitamin D, potassium and folate than their breakfast-eating counterparts.1 In fact, among women who are stressed, it appears that those who skip breakfast eat more calories, saturated fat and added sugar later in the evening as compared to those who actually have a morning meal.1
So, if you are among the 37 percent of young adults who skip breakfast, what can you do to make sure you eat something in the A.M. despite rushed mornings?2 Here are four delicious breakfast ideas for when you need to get out the door, quick!